Bittersweet: The Day

Recently…and today I have been enjoying the new Coke Blak. Man, It really lives up to it’s slogan and whatever people are saying about it (the positive stuff, that is). Its incredible. The explanation is: Carbonated cappacino coffee with a definate Coca-Cola flavor to it. I would recommend it. Only chilled though, it’s like a…

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Oh the glory when He took our place…

…But he took my shoulders and he shook my face And he takes and he takes and he takes – Casimir Pulaski Day, Sufjan Stevens this is the first actual post after the revamping of my site. It is EXTREMLY warm out here today, 73°F (This is in the morning) …today could be considered…

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The train has already gone, would you like to hire a bicycle?

Click here for a good laughchucleandorsometypeofsnicker Ha. I just realized some things I forgot to mention…actually things that changed/updated my online life a bit. We got a new computer. Its awesome…well by my standards at least. It has a good graphics and sound card, a DVD, CD-RW writer, and the casing of the computer is…

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Is it the red button or the green button that disarms the bomb?

I can’t even begin to apologize enough for forgetting to update. Sheesh, it has almost been two weeks, I think that’s the longest I’ve gone without posting in a while. That is why I will give…something to the person who posts the 200th comment. Maybe I will give them a free Schick Quattro Midnight Razor…

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My Date of Birth!

Today is my date of Birth! I got Switchfoot’s new album, an iPod radio transmiter, and The Sims 2. Its awesome.

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