A New Theme, a New Season
I say summer officially begins when it starts to get into the 90’s..er..of course going by that, I would have to say that summer never started last year, because last summer broke a record for being such a nippy summer. I definitely know that it isn’t going to be that way this summer. It is supposed to be 100 degrees on Monday, right when I go back to Aldersgate Camp.
I went to Aldersgate this summer (June 6-10th) to be a counselor for Soccer Camp, it was an AWESOME experience, if you have time…I would definitely recommend giving your time to be a counselor at a Christian summer camp this summer.
The following week I went back for Sr High Cabin Camp, this time to be a camper. Definitely a completely different experience! I love Aldersgate, I am going back Monday for my third week..and I hope to get in another week of counseling soon! Here are some pictures of Aldersgate.

By Andy Miller
By Andy Miller
By Olivia Moore
By Aaron
By Andy Miller
By Andy Miller

Ah, yes…now you see. But the thing I love the most is the way you experience God there!
Now, speaking of God. Most…if not all of you know my Dad has cancer, well he went for the scan yesterday, and the results we’re awesome! All but two of the too numerous to count tumors are gone! And the two that are left have shrunk..half in size! Praise God, eh?
Anyway, what do you think of the new design/look of my site? Nice eh? I am thinking of changing the top picture tho..maybe to some picture of Aldergate I am going to paint.
Speaking of art, I am filling a new notebook, full of Aldersgate sketches and artwork!
I want to sing you a love song.
Cause you are the thief of my heart.
Rhythm and rhyme, try to describe it.
No matter how hard I try, I cant hide it. No I can’t hide it.
Faithful you are faithful, I have found nothing but good in your arms.
Loving you are loving, I am in love with the way that you are.
Thankful I am thankful, I have been running away on my own.
And then you found me, Oh how you loved me,
I know you’ll never leave me alone
Hey! Aldersgate really was a spiritual experience. It was awesome. I know it changed my life and I’m sure there were other people who’s lives were changed too. I’m really glad I got to go. I’ll keep you and your family in my prayers.
Hey there Mark! I really like the new look. I’m glad that you’re having fun at camp. That makes me really happy. And as far as the stuff with your dad, I’m really glad things are getting better. God answers prayers. That’s all I can say. I’m really glad we’re talking now though, I missed talking to ya. I’m sure your sketches will be awesome and well if you paint a picture..I’m sure it’ll be lovely too. :-). Well since I’m at a loss for words, I shall go now. Au revoir
Hey!!! Gosh I miss you so much!! I’m glad you’re having an awesome time though! When will you be done with your camp thing??
I have been so busy too… I haven’t been on CGR or let alone, the computer hardly at all. It’s sad. 🙁 I’ve been babysitting my cousins all week this week and the past two weekends I’ve had competition, plus I’ve been having extra dance classes cause I leave for Nationals in 6 days. AAAHH!!! I can’t believe how close it is, but I’m very excited!! 😀
Anyway, PRAISE GOD about your dad!!!!! OH MY GOSH, I’m so happy for him and your family. You guys must be over the moon right now!! You are all still in my prayers though.
It was a cold summer for you last year? It was really hot and muggy here. Well, hot for me. 😉 lol
Oh, I like the new look! 🙂
Well, must get going. *sigh* Busy busy busy. :-/ I hope I can talk to you soon.
Miss you!
Glad you had such a great time at camp. And that’s great news about your dad! Wow…
Love the new layout, by the way. 😉
SHEA boii. awesome site!!! seriously fun times at aldersgate. u mos. def. have to go next year!! sry for your dads cancer but with the strength of god and your familys love , he’ll get through it. much love – lindsey bybee
Haha, thanks for all the comments
Hey Mark I really like the websites. They are really good. You should keep up both of the sites and keep up the good work. Now see I made a comment. Well I hope you fun and you have a spriutal exprenice at the next camp. Keep up the good work.