A king never dies, just sleeps.

This time I am not starting off apoligizing, if you want an apology for me forgeting to post, take it up with our complaint department. 😉

I’ve been oh so busy, etc…

Let’s see what is going on?

Thanksgiving was great, I ate way to much.

I ordered an electric Ibanez GRX. Comes in tomorrow. Got it for an incredible, incredible price..$120.

I’ve been writing alot of songs lately. Piano and guitar.
So some friends of mine and I got together and recorded one.
The drums sound odd because it’s done on a keyboard, and he didn’t have any time to practice it before we recorded it (We only had one or two chances to record) And the guitarist is a little bit off (Hah…Colton)
But I want to record mine own soon when my guitar comes in, so be prepared.
If you want to listen to my song, Here it is (Mark is a tad embarrased to post this):
A Transforming Renewal

(Thats me on piano, Colton W. on guitar, Tyler C. on “keyboard drums”, and Steveo. B on bass (Which you can’t hear)

I took some pictures the other day. I am not going to post them in here completely because they are huge.
Picture One
Picture Two
Picture Three
and Picture Five

(Only kidding, there was no Picture Four 😉 )

In other news, I have started a new thing.
Live visual arts during a church service.
I painted a canvas (about 2 x 4 feet) during communion. It took me 15 minutes and I painted it with a pallete knife and rags.
Woah, it was hard, yet fun.
Here it is. I sold it for $150 (Thats $600 an hour, being a painter pays) in a silent auction, and donated the money to the church.

I’m in The Nutcracker this year, as one of the father/husbands in the Ball Room scene, Scene one. I did it last year and it was awesome fun.

Right now I have some homework to do.
Remind me, I need to get the subscriptions fixed, need to remember to update, and I need to fix my photo gallery. (Come to think of it, I took a picture of my other new painting, but never put it up)


  1. Kaleigh on November 30, 2005 at 2:06 pm

    Yay! An update! I’m sorry I didn’t bug you enough about posting an update. 😉

    Oooh! I can’t wait to hear the new version of that song!

    *reminder to do all of that stuff you listed at the bottom of that update* lol

    Love you!

  2. Kaleigh on November 30, 2005 at 2:09 pm

    Oh… and you shouldn’t be embarresed about that song! I thinks it’s sooooooo good! You are so talented. *nods*

  3. Donnie on December 16, 2005 at 2:21 am

    That is an awesome painting.

  4. John Luke on December 19, 2005 at 12:38 pm

    Hey man!

    Neat concept of painting the pic during the service. Where did the idea originate? Were you in view of the congregation? What kind of church set-up do you have that they would OK this?

    It sounds like an awesomw idea! Something I’d like to try myself…

    ~John Luke

  5. Kaleigh on December 23, 2005 at 9:58 am

    Happy aneversary to your parents! 😀

  6. zachcore on December 29, 2005 at 11:44 pm

    hey mark. nice painting.

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